Reminder: Upcoming announcement of the new (third) staking contract!

🔔 REMINDER: The NEW staking contract (the 3rd one of the year) will be announced in the next couple of days!

As you should know by now, the ability to stake in the current 90-day / 35% APR contract has now been turned off.

This has been done in your best interests as the rewards generated (if you were to stake only now) vs the potential fees that one might incur, would not be feasible 😎

Your currently-staked tokens are still, however, generating rewards and will continue to do so until the contract matures. You can claim your rewards at any point, without any penalty. 🥳

But, if you do UNSTAKE before the end of the contract, you will incur a penalty.

Keep watch here for the new staking contract announcement here! 👀

Visit our BTAFSTake page here

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